Frontiers in Psychology
Antecedents of Interview faking: Honesty-Humility and Warning instructions
Thomas A O'Neill1  Joshua Bourdage1  Stephanie J Law1 
[1] University of Calgary;
关键词: Personality;    impression management;    Reactions;    honesty-humility;    Applicant;    Interview faking behaviour;   
DOI  :  10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01771
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In the present study, we examined the antecedents and processes that impact job interviewees’ decisions to engage in deceptive impression management (i.e. interview faking). Willingness and capacity to engage in faking were found to be the processes underlying the decision to use deceptive impression management in the interview. We also examined a personality antecedent to this behaviour, Honesty-Humility, which was negatively related to the use of deceptive impression management through increased willingness to engage in these behaviours. We also tested a possible intervention to reduce IM. In particular, we found that warnings against faking – specifically, an identification warning - reduced both the perceived capacity to engage in interview faking, and subsequent use of several faking behaviors. Moreover, this warning reduced faking without adversely impacting applicant reactions.

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