International Journal of Social Science Research and Review
Specific Features of the Study of Pilgrimages of Fergana Region
Oktamjon Ergashevich Abdullaev1 
[1]Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Namangan State University, Uzbekistan
关键词: Work, Scholar;    History;    Shrine;    Information;    City;    Source;    Period;    Muslim;    People;    Culture;    Tradition;    Antiquity;    Monuments;    Work;    Religion;    Territory Ceremony;    Local;    Country Ecology;   
DOI  :  10.47814/ijssrr.v5i5.311
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
This article is based on the “History of Bukhara” written by Abu Ja’far Narshahi, who lived and worked in the 10th century, “Ahsan at-taqasim fi ma’rifat al aqalim” by Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Abubakr al-Maqdisi and other scholars. The history of the origin of shrines in the Fergana Valley, interesting information about the shrines, as well as written sources on the XVIII and early XX centuries in the works of local and Russian researchers are described in detail.
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