Journal of Food and Bioprocess Engineering
Evaluation of general knowledge on transgenic products as a biosafety needs: A case study of Iranian universities students
Mehrdad Pooyanmehr1  Ali Hemmati2 
[1] Department of Basic Sciences and Pathobiology. Section of Microbiology & Immunology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Razi University, Iran;Graduated from Veterinary Medicine Laboratory, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Razi University, Iran;
关键词: transgenic products;    bio-safety;    general knowledge;    students;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), their benefits, dangers, safety and their limitations is the subject of scientific, political and social discussions in various countries, specially developed and developing countries. Consumers of genetically modified products have the right to have a comprehensive and in-depth educational interface with the biotechnology of these products, but conflicting sensitivities and perceptions seem to be misused. A descriptive-analytical questionnaire was used to survey the level of general knowledge of students at different fields in universities of Kermanshah, as an example of a well-educated Iranian society (1000 people), in relation to different uses of GMOs. There was a significant difference between the information and knowledge of students related to biological sciences and non-biological at undergraduate and postgraduate education levels in both sexes of men and women about transgenic products (p < 0.05). All the people that were studied required the creation of strict national, international and ethical rules by policy makers and producers of transgenic products. Social networks were the largest source of information for individuals. The present study emphasizes the need for the development of evidence-based science education programs for the general public, in order to increase general awareness of the GMOs technology's advantages and limitations in the country.

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