Frontiers in Energy Research | |
Particle Filter Based Range Search Approach for Localization of Radioactive Materials | |
关键词: wireless sensor networks; localization; radiation sources; security; particle filter; FPGA; | |
DOI : 10.3389/fenrg.2021.807918 | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have recently become crucial in monitoring operations. The development of a Data Fusion Algorithm for radioactive source localization utilizing WSN based on the Particle Filter (PF) technique is presented. The localization of an unknown-intensity point radioactive source using sensor nodes measured intensities in Count per Minute (CPM) is considered. The surveillance area is covered by several sensors (radiation detectors) n. Instead of using four sensors, as described in previous research, two consecutive sensors are used in sequence (S1, S2), (S2, S3)……, (Sn-1, Sn) till reaching the last sensor available Sn. Apollonius circle calculated range guides a particle filter for estimating the source location using actual measurements. Compared with other approaches such as the Iterative Pruning Clustering algorithm, more accurate estimates in terms of the error between the estimated source position and ground truth are obtained. The comparison is conducted using the same real measurements data. The Particle Filter based algorithm is implemented in a Xilinx FPGA chip. The architecture is a two sequential steps implementation, where particle generation, weight calculation, and normalization are carried out in parallel during the first step, followed by a sequential or parallelized resampling in the second step. This architecture targets a balance between hardware resources and speed of operation. The future work plan includes security-related studies and complete WSN implementation using μC/FPGA devices.
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