Iranian Journal of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering
Simulation of Boiling in a Vertical Channel Using Ensemble Average Model
Mohsen Sharifpur1  Hikmet S. Aybar1 
[1] Department of Mechanical Engineering, Eastern Mediterranean University, G. Magosa, North Cyprus, TURKEY;
关键词: boiling;    two-phase flow;    heat and mass transfer;    two-fluid model;    ensemble averaging;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Simulation of turbulence boiling, generation of vapour and predication of its behaviour are still subject to debate in the two-phase flow area and they receive a high level of worldwide attention. In this study, a new arrangement of the three dimensional governing equations for turbulence two-phase flow with heat and mass transfer are derived by using ensemble averaging two-fluid model and utilizing the latest approved constitutive equations. Then, the governing equations are simplified for bulk boiling in a vertical channel. A computer program with SIMPLE algorithm is written for the simplified equations, and the results are compared with available experimental data and a boiling water reactor in operating condition.

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