Salud Pública de México
Alcohol, tabaco y deterioro cognoscitivo en adultos mexicanos mayores de 65 años Cognitive impairment and alcohol and cigarette consumption in Mexican adults older than 65 years
关键词: alcoholismo;    tabaquismo;    deterioro cognoscitivo;    adulto mayor;    ENASEM;    México;    alcohol;    smoking;    cognitive;    older adults;    MHAS (Mexican Health and Aging Study);    Mexico;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

OBJETIVO: Conocer la prevalencia del consumo de alcohol y tabaco y su asociación con deterioro cognoscitivo en la población mexicana mayor de 65 años. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se incluyeron 4 872 mayores de 65 años en la muestra del Estudio Nacional sobre Salud y Envejecimiento en México (ENASEM 2001). Se interrogó sobre el consumo de alcohol y tabaco. Para la clasificación de los sujetos con deterioro cognoscitivo, se utilizó la escala total de los diferentes dominios cognoscitivos. Se aplicaron ji cuadrada, Mann Whitney U y regresión logística para encontrar asociaciones. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia de alcoholismo según CAGE fue de 2.8% y la del consumo de tabaco de 14 por ciento. Factores asociados con el consumo de alcohol: edad 65-69 años (p <0.001), hombres (RR 3.17, p <0.001), nivel alto de educación (p <0.001). Con asociación significativa entre el consumo de alcohol y deterioro cognoscitivo (X²=6.59, p < 0.01). CONCLUSIONES: La prevalencia de consumo de alcohol y tabaco en los adultos mayores mexicanos es similar a lo reportado en otros países; el consumo de alcohol se asoció con el deterioro cognoscitivo.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of the consumption of alcohol and cigarette smoking and their association with cognitive impairment among older Mexican adults. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 4 872 people over 65 years of age included in the sample of the National Mexican Health and Aging Study carried out in 2001 were questioned about their consumption of alcohol and cigarette smoking. For the classification of those subjects with cognitive impairment, the total scale of the different cognitive domains was used. The chi-square, Mann-Whitney U test, and logistical regression were used in order to find associations. RESULTS: The prevalence of alcoholism according to CAGE was 2.8% and the prevalence of the consumption of cigarette smoking was 14%. Factors associated with the consumption of alcohol were:age 65-69 (p <0.001), men (RR 3.17,p <0.001), and high level of education (p <0.001). The association between the consumption of alcohol and cognitive impairment (X2=6.59, p <0.01) was statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of consumption of alcohol and cigarette smoking in older Mexican adults are similar to that reported in other countries; the consumption of alcohol and its association with cognitive impairment was significant.

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