HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies
The State of Research on the Manichaean Bishop Faustus
Gijs M. van Gaans1 
[1] Radboud University, the Netherlands;
关键词: Augustine;    Manichaeism;    Faustus of Milevis;    Contra Faustum Manichaeum;   
DOI  :  10.4102/hts.v69i1.1921
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

According to Augustine’s ownConfessiones, the Manichaean bishop Faustus of Milevisplayed a significant role in his apostasy from Manichaeism. Somehow Augustine becamedisappointed with the intellectual explanations Faustus provided for some of Manichaeism’sfabulous doctrines and thereby with Manichaeism as a religion. That same Faustus publisheda work, the Capitula in which he discussed some exegetical controversies. This work has beenpreserved, because Augustine cited it in its entirety in his Contra Faustum Manichaeum. In thelast hundred years Faustus and his work have received some significant scholarly attention.During that period our view of Manichaeism and subsequently on the Manichaean bishop, haschanged. At the beginning Faustus’s exegesis was considered merely a form of Manichaeanpropaganda. Its Christian elements were accepted as a tactic tool in order to covert CatholicChristians to Manichaeism, which was not considered a Christian religion at all. In the courseof the 20th century primary Manichaean sources have been discovered. They have enhancedour understanding of the ancient religion immensely. Comparing these texts with Faustus’sCapitula reveals that the Manichaean bishop not only defended well-known Manichaeandogmas through his exegesis of scripture, he seems to have contributed to Manichaean exegesisand even Manichaean prophetology. Furthermore, Faustus’s Christian, Pauline language canno longer be accepted as a mere tactic adaption to Catholic preferences, but seems to havebeen his own, genuine language. This article provides an overview of both the research andthe debates on bishop Faustus and his works.

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