Journal Of Babylon Center For Humanities Studies
هجرة اليمنيين الدولية وأثرها على التنمية الوطنية Yemenis International Migration and Its Effects on National Development
关键词: Humanities --- History --- دراسات انسانية ، تاريخ;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Yemen is famous for the migration of the population for a long time in football, has continued to evolve even today, and even though they knew concussion in some stages by crises and wars in the region and the world, especially emanating immigration since the seventies of the twentieth century . The remittances from migrants abroad to Yemen the most important aspect in the phenomenon of the Yemeni international migration, as the contribution of migrants through the flow of remittances have played an active role in providing the necessary funding for the national economy and the financial resources At the national level, we can say that the state through this hard currency can fill disability which affects the balance of payments, and increase its contribution to the national income, were migrant remittances before the discovery of oil represents the primary source of foreign currency flowing into Yemen, enabling it to carry out a crucial role in the formation of national savings in finance and capital formation and imports all kinds of private consumer spending, In reducing the unemployment rate at the national level

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