Children’s books dealing with Physical Education and Sport in Brazil: a study of their characteristics
Rafael Guimarães Botelho1 
[1]Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio de Janeiro (IFRJ)
关键词: Literatura infantil;    Educación física;    Análisis documental;    Brasil;   
DOI  :  10.5195/biblios.2012.82
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The aim of this paper was to analyze 90 children’s books dealing with Physical Education and Sport published in Brazil. Five study variables were established: literary genres, mediums, pagination, status as part of a collection related to sports, and the version of the publication. To develop the investigation, the technique of documentary analysis was utilized. Results: a) the literary genre “narrative” presents the biggest incidence in the children’s books (with 93,33%); b) the medium “paper” is predominant in the children’s books (with 90%); c) books not paginated are more frequent among the ones published in Brazil (with 73,33%); d) a little more than half of the children’s books (51,11%) is part of a collection related to sports; e) there are a predominance of original children’s books (with 96,67%).
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