Revista Electronica Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado
Neoliberal globalization and its repercussions on education
关键词: Public Policy;    Politics of Educatio;    Educational Legislation;    Privatization;    Educational Reforms;    Educational Voucher;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Neo-liberalism has become the backdrop to the changes in world-wide educational policy, which are no longer limited to cut-backs in resources or privatisation but which actually affect the very core of educational theory and pedagogical politics on a fundamental level. The conflicts which spill over into the school represent part of a more generalised crisis in politics and citizenship in global capitalism. Using the argument that education should meet the demands of society, an evidently reductionalist interpretation is made by which society sees school and university solely in terms of their usefulness to business, and centres education around the preparation of the type of professionals demanded by companies. According to this philosophy, investment in education and the curriculum should be tailored to meet the needs of the market, and seen as a preparation for the labour market. The social role of education, as a training ground for democracy and citizenship, is now seen as a waste of public funds, and has been replaced by the view private companies have of the function of education: as a training ground for meeting the needs of business. A “flexible” and “multi-purpose” employee thus constitutes the new ideal reference point for pedagogy.
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