Visual Computing for Industry, Biomedicine, and Art
Streamline pair selection for comparative flow field visualization
Tobias Czauderna1  Kingsley Stephens1  Takayuki Itoh2  Shoko Sawada2  Takashi Misaka3  Shigeru Obayashi3 
[1] Monash University;Ochanomizu University;Tohoku University;
关键词: Computational fluid dynamics;    Streamline selection;    Comparative flow field visualization;    Virtual reality;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s42492-020-00056-8
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract Fluid dynamics simulation is often repeated under varying conditions. This leads to a generation of large amounts of results, which are difficult to compare. To compare results under different conditions, it is effective to overlap the streamlines generated from each condition in a single three-dimensional space. Streamline is a curved line, which represents a wind flow. This paper presents a technique to automatically select and visualize important streamlines that are suitable for the comparison of the simulation results. Additionally, we present an implementation to observe the flow fields in virtual reality spaces.

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