Frontiers in Neuroscience
How many people could use an SSVEP BCI?
Bernhard eGrosswindhager1  Christoph eGuger1  Christoph eHintermüller1  Robert ePrückl1  Guenter eEdlinger1  Markus eBruckner1  Christoph eKapeller1  Gunther eKrausz1  Brendan Z Allison2 
[1] Guger Technologies OEG/g.tec medical engineering GmbH;University of California at San Diego;
关键词: P300;    Motor Imagery;    SSVEP;    Demographics;    brain-computer interface (BCI);    illiteracy;   
DOI  :  10.3389/fnins.2012.00169
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Brain-computer interfaces (BCI) are communication systems that allow people to send messages or commands without movement. BCIs rely on different types of signals in the electroencephalogram (EEG), typically P300s, steady-state visually evoked potentials (SSVEP), or event-related desynchronization (ERD). Early BCI systems were often evaluated with a selected group of subjects. Also, many articles do not mention data from subjects who performed poorly. These and other factors have made it difficult to estimate how many people could use different BCIs.The present study explored how many subjects could use an SSVEP BCI. We recorded data from 53 subjects while they participated in 1 to 4 runs that were each 4 minutes long. During these runs, the subjects focused on one of four LEDs that each flickered at a different frequency. The 8 channel EEG data were analyzed with a minimum energy parameter estimation algorithm and classified with linear discriminant analysis into one of the four classes. On-line results showed that SSVEP BCIs could provide effective communication for all 53 subjects, resulting in a grand average accuracy of 95.5%. 96.2% of the subjects reached an accuracy above 80%, and nobody was below 60%. This study showed that SSVEP based BCI systems can reach very high accuracies after only a very short training period. The SSVEP approach worked for all participating subjects, who attained accuracy well above chance level. This is important because it shows that SSVEP BCIs could provide communication for some users when other approaches might not work for them.

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