Educação Matemática Debate
Technology contributions in the construction of an inclusive education: the work with a disabled visual student in Math classes
Flávio Santos1  Nahun Gonçalves2  Edmar Thiengo2  Janivaldo Cordeiro2 
[1]Centro Universitário Católico de Vitória
[2]Instituto Federal do Espirito Santo Brasil
关键词: low vision;    inclusion;    technologies applied to education;    mathematics education;   
DOI  :  10.24116/emd25266136v1n22017a02
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
This article discusses the reality of a low vision student in a state school of Espírito Santo during the math classes, works the matrices content through technology as a pedagogical resource and also articulates theoretical basis of Vygotsky, Leontiev, Galperin and Papert. The reports and statements described point out the reality of an inclusive classroom, considering the student and the didactic model of discipline. The results point out the limitations related to the resources and technologies available in key points for the relevance of the teaching-learning process and the suggestion for the use of the Google Drive service as a didactic resource, which aims to contribute to the improvement of actions and conditions in face of the specific needs of the student and of the notes.
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