BMC Pediatrics
Clinical profile of reading ability and reading and writing achievement of children with borderline full-scale intellectual quotient: a prospective study
Eiji Nakagawa1  Riyo Ueda2  Takashi Okada2  Masumi Inagaki2  Yoshimi Kaga2  Yosuke Kita3 
[1] Department of Child Neurology, National Center Hospital, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry;Department of Developmental Disorders, National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry;Mori Arinori Center for Higher Education and Global Mobility, Hitotsubashi University;
关键词: Developmental dyslexia;    Reading ability;    Intellectual quotient;    Academic achievement;    Age;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s12887-021-02865-z
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract Background Poor reading ability is one of the common causes of low academic performance. In previous studies, children with dyslexia were found to demonstrate poor academic achievement due to poor reading ability. However, the relationship between academic achievement and reading ability in children with a borderline full-scale intellectual quotient (FSIQ) is unknown. This study aimed to clarify the clinical characteristics of children with borderline FSIQ and poor reading ability, and differentiate these characteristics from those of children with higher FSIQ and poor reading ability. Methods A total of 126 children (aged 6–15 years) identified as having low academic performance were enrolled. The reading ability of children was assessed through their performance on the hiragana (Japanese syllabary) reading task, while their reading and writing achievement was assessed through their reading and writing score on the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, Second Edition. Children were categorized into two groups based on their FSIQ score (FSIQ > 85 and 85 ≥ FSIQ ≥ 70). Reading ability in children was evaluated by referring to the linear relationship between FSIQ and the standard deviation value of reading tasks in typically developing children. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to examine clinical characteristics between higher and lower FSIQ groups. Associations between reading and writing achievement, reading ability, and ages of children were assessed using Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficients for the higher and lower FSIQ groups. Results Poorer reading and writing achievement was associated with poorer reading ability in the higher FSIQ group. Conversely, poorer reading and writing achievement and poor reading ability were associated with older age in the lower FSIQ group. Conclusions Poor reading and writing achievement were associated with older age, not with poor reading ability in the lower FSIQ group. Children with lower FSIQ need appropriate educational interventions based on independent assessments to further their academic achievement and reading ability. Moreover, they need more frequent evaluations of their academic achievement than do children with higher FSIQ and poor reading ability since they are more likely to be at a lower academic achievement level at an older age.

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