The study on the interface reaction characteristics of different binary slag, CaO – MgO, Al2O3 – CaO, Al2O3 – MgO, SiO2 – CaO, SiO2 - MgO
J. H. Zhang1  R. R. Yin1  J. H. Liu1  Z. J. He1  S. Qiu1  C. Tian1  Y. Q. Yuan1 
[1] University of Science and Technology Liaoning, China;
关键词: slag, CaO / MgO / Al2O3 / SiO2;    melting wetting;    viscosity;    interface reaction;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In this paper, thermodynamic calculation and different binary slag interface reaction experiments are used to study the reaction characteristics of different binary slag. The differences in melting process, wetting and reaction behavior were studied. The wetting angle of acidic slag is higher than that the corresponding basic slag. The variation of wetting angle between different binary slag is relatively small. The variation range is only 18 °C. In the melting and reaction process of different binary slag interfaces, the permeation and reaction of the CaO - MgO and CaO - SiO2 interfaces are relatively sufficient. However, there is no obvious chemical reaction between CaO - Al2O3 and Al2O3 - MgO, and the composition and interface separation among each component are more obvious.

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