Applied Sciences
Skin-Reducing Mastectomy and Immediate Reconstruction for a Large Recurrent Borderline Phyllodes Tumor
Ljubisa Grujic1  Teodora Hoinoiu1  Horia Cristian2  Cristina Oprean3  Daciana Grujic4  CodrutaDiana Miclauș5  Simona Cerbu6 
[1] Clinic of Burns, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, “Pius Branzeu” Emergency County Hospital, Liviu Rebreanu Bld. No. 156, 300723 Timisoara, Romania;Department of Emergency Surgery, “Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 300041 Timisoara, Romania;Department of Morphopathology, “Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Eftimie Murgu Sq. No. 2, 300041 Timişoara, Romania;Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Burn Surgery, “Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Eftimie Murgu Sq. No. 2, 300041 Timişoara, Romania;Department of Surgical Oncology, “Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Eftimie Murgu Sq. No. 2, 300041 Timișoara, Romania;Discipline of Radiology and Medical Imaging, “Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Eftimie Murgu Sq. No. 2, 300041 Timișoara, Romania;
关键词: phyllodes tumor;    breast;    surgical margins;    skin-reducing mastectomy;    DTI;    immediate reconstruction;   
DOI  :  10.3390/app11031224
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Background: Large recurrent phyllodes breast tumors are often malignant. Therefore, when taking the surgical decision, a simple mastectomy and immediate reconstruction must be considered. Case presentation: The patient, aged 40 years, with a benign phyllodes tumor in the left breast, having a recurrence 2 years after, with 4–7 cm conglomerate tumor masses, was subjected to skin-reducing mastectomy, breast reconstruction with a silicone mammary implant in the left breast, and symmetrization of the right breast. Discussion and conclusions: In the case of patients with breast hypertrophy and gigantomastia (cup size D–F), skin-reducing mastectomy and immediate reconstruction with an implant can be the option. It is important for the resection specimen to include the skin tissue above the tumor. After 14 months of follow-up, there was no recurrence of the lesions on a clinical examination, ultrasonography, or MRI.

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