Journal of Marine Science and Engineering
Erosive Degradation Study of Concrete Augmented by Mussel Shells for Marine Construction
María Isabel Lamas1  Carolina Camba1  Luis Carral1  Ana-María Díaz-Díaz1  José Luis Mier1  José Carlos Álvarez1  Javier Tarrío-Saavedra2 
[1]Escola Politécnica Superior de Ferrol, Universidade da Coruña, Rúa Mendizabal, 15403 Ferrol, Spain
[2]MODES Group, CITIC, Department of Mathematics, Escola Politécnica Superior, Universidade da Coruña, 15403 Ferrol, Spain
关键词: marine construction;    artificial reefs;    concrete;    abrasive erosion test;    computational fluid dynamics modeling;    degradation;   
DOI  :  10.3390/jmse9101087
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
This work proposes a green material for artificial reefs to be placed in Galicia (northwest Spain) taking into account the principles of circular economy and sustainability of the ecosystem. New concrete formulations for marine applications, based on cement and/or sand replacement by mussel shells, are analyzed in terms of resistance to abrasion. The interest lies in the importance of the canning industry of Galicia, which generates important quantities of shell residues with negative environmental consequences. Currently, the tests to determine the abrasion erosion resistance of concrete on hydraulic structures involve large and complex devices. According to this, an experimental test has been proposed to estimate and compare the wear resistance of these concretes and, consequently, to analyze the environmental performance of these structures. First, a numerical analysis validated with experimental data was conducted to design the test. Subsequently, experimental tests were performed using a slurry tank in which samples with conventional cement and sand were partially replaced by mussel shell. The abrasive erosion effect of concrete components was analyzed by monitoring the mass loss. It shows an asymptotic trend with respect to time that has been modeled by Generalized Additive Model (GAM) and nonlinear regression models. The results were compared to concrete containing only conventional cement and sand. Replacing sand and/or cement by different proportions of mussel shells has not significantly reduced the resistance of concrete against erosive degradation, except for the case where a high amount of sand (20 wt.%) is replaced. Its resistance against the erosive abrasion is increased, losing between 0.1072 and 0.0310 wt.% lower than common concrete. In all the remaining cases (replacements of the 5–10 wt.% of sand and cement), the effect of mussel replacement on erosive degradation is not significant. These results encourage the use of mussel shells in the composition of concrete, taking into account that we obtain the same degradation properties, even more so considering an important residue in the canning industry (and part of the seabed) that can be valorized.
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