Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization | |
A New Moldmade Bowl from Athens | |
Susan I. Rotroff1  | |
[1] Washington University in Saint Louis, United States; | |
关键词: moldmade bowl; Megarian bowl; Hellenistic pottery; Athenian Agora; | |
DOI : 10.12797/SAAC.17.2013.17.14 | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
A recently found Hellenistic moldmade bowl from the Athenian Agora displays a number of unusual features, but is most likely an Athenian product of the Workshop of Bion, a potter who produced moldmade bowls from the last quarter of the 3rd century until at least 175 BC. One of its stamps, a bull’s head, is closely paralleled on bowls made in Argos, and adds to previous evidence for a close relationship between the two producers.
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