International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations
Allocation improvement policies to reduce process time based on workload evaluation in job shop manufacturing systems
关键词: Controllable process time;    Job-shop;    Allocation improvements;    Workload control;    Simulation;   
DOI  :  10.5267/j.ijiec.2016.12.001
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The research discusses in this paper concerns the improvement allocation policies to reduce the process time in job-shop manufacturing systems. The policies proposed are based on the evaluation of the workload control of the entire manufacturing system. Three policies are proposed: centralized, distributed and proportional. A simulation model is used to test the proposed policies under different conditions as: static and dynamic demand; introduction of machine breakdowns; different level of average manufacturing system utilization. The performance measures are compared to a manufacturing system without policies. The simulation results show that the improvement allocation allows to improve the performance with limited investment (average reduction of process time needed) and how the machine breakdowns and demand changes lead to different better policy. The decision maker can use these results to decide the better policy to use.

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