Problems and Perspectives in Management
The status of quality management in selected Community Service Centres in the Western Cape, South Africa
Nicolette Daniels1  Rozenda Hendrickse2 
[1]Master of Technology: Public Management Graduate, Department of Public Administration and Governance, Cape Peninsula University of Technology
[3]Professor, Faculty of Business &
关键词: accountability;    Community Service Centres;    quality management;    quality services;    service delivery;    South African Police Service;   
DOI  :  10.21511/ppm.15(2-2).2017.11
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Quality management systems in public organizations influence the quality of service delivery outputs. The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of service delivery at Community Service Centres (CSC) of the South African Police Service (SAPS) in the Western Cape, South Africa. A mixed-method research approach was employed to gather data for the study. Both a survey questionnaire and in-depth interviews were used to collect the data. The sample data set contacted 300 respondents from three policing areas situated in the Western Cape Metropolis. The main findings indicated that clients were satisfied with the level of service they received from the SAPS. However, the main area of concern was the absence of service delivery initatives at three police stations.
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