Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
Effect of heavy metals pollution on the composition and diversity of the intestinal microbial community of a pygmy grasshopper (Eucriotettix oculatus)
Lei Xin1  Xiao-Dong Li2  Ying-Can Qin3  Xiu-Ling Li3  Xin-Yi Liu3  Wan-Tao Rong3  Wei-An Deng3 
[1] School of Chemistry and Bioengineering, Hechi University, Yizhou 546300, China;Corresponding authors.;School of Chemistry and Bioengineering, Hechi University, Yizhou 546300, China;
关键词: Heavy metals;    Combined pollution;    Gut microbiota;    Eucriotettix oculatus;    16S rRNA;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Heavy metal pollution in the environment is mostly manifested as a multi-elemental compound pollution. The effect of the long-term exposure to heavy metal pollution on the gut microbes of insects has remained unknown. For the current work, the population of Eucriotettix oculatus living in mining areas around the Diaojiang River with a history of hundreds of years of pollution, was selected along with the similar species living in non-mining areas to conduct a comparative study of their gut microbes. The microbial communities were analyzed using 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. The results showed Proteobacteria to be dominant among gut microbes of E. oculatus, but the abundance of Proteobacteria was significantly increased when the insects were exposed to the environment with heavy metal pollution. The symbiotic bacteria belonging to genus Wolbachia were found to be dominant among the insect population from the non-mining area group, while the pathogenic bacteria belonging to Aeromonas were dominant among the insect population of the mining area group. The diversity analysis showed that the gut microbial community diversity of E. oculatus was reduced in the heavy metal pollution habitat. The analysis of the differences in the gut microbial population and metabolic pathways of the two groups showed that the heavy metal pollution caused the increase in pathogenic bacteria among the gut microbes of E. oculatus, which might have a negative impact on the health of the host. At the same time, probiotics and the beneficial metabolism pathways were also found to increase and enhance, helping the host to resist the damage caused by heavy metal stress. This might be one of the strategies used by E. oculatus to adapt to heavy metal pollution.

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