IEEE Access
PEACOCK: A Map-Based Multitype Infectious Disease Outbreak Information System
Miran Lee1  Jong Wook Kim1  Beakcheol Jang1 
[1]Department of Computer Science, Sangmyung University, Seoul, South Korea
关键词: Government agencies;    infectious disease;    infectious disease outbreak system;    online news;    search query;   
DOI  :  10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2924189
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
A map-based infectious disease outbreak information system, called PEACOCK, that provides three types of necessary infectious disease outbreak information is presented. The system first collects the infectious disease outbreak statistics from the government agencies and displays the number of infected people and infection indices on the map. Then, it crawls online news articles for each infectious disease and displays the number of mentions of each disease on the map. Users can also search for news articles regarding the disease. Finally, it retrieves the portal search query data and plots the graphs of the trends. It divides the risk into three levels (i.e., normal, caution, and danger) and visualizes them using different colors on the map. Users can access infectious disease outbreak information accurately and quickly using the system. As the system visualizes the information using both a map and various types of graphs, users can check the information at a glance. This system is in live at http://www.epidemic.co.kr/map.
【 授权许可】


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