Journal of Human Sport and Exercise
Assessing physical ability and its relationship with health
Alfonso Jiménez Gutiérrez1 
[1] European University of Madrid;
关键词: Health;    Physical ability;    Physical condition;   
DOI  :  10.4100/jhse.2007.22.04
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Physical ability is such a complex issue in human beings that its measurement and assessment tends to be as complex as it is important for humans. In this respect, there is a need for continued research in key areas, such as the instruments for the assessment and evaluation of physical activity, the effects of the reduction of sedentarism, and the design of strategies promoting physical activity aimed at obtaining and maintaining health. In order to correctly, individually and systematically prescribe physical exercise, suitable methods are needed to assess the specific needs and lacks of each subject. Therefore, this paper attempts to determine the various series of tests for the assessment of physical ability as related to health, and also their chronological evolution as a result of the data supplied by the literature.

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