Problemi Ekonomiki
Diagnostics of the Enterprise Participation in Electronic Public Procurement: the Aspect of Logistics Management
Klyuvak Oksana V.1 
[1] Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Lecturer, Department of Business Economy and Information Technology, Lviv University of Business and Law;
关键词: enterprise;    electronic public procurement system;    document management;    logistics management;    level of readiness;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The aim of the article is to formulate and develop the theoretical and methodological foundations for the functioning of the electronic public procurement system in the logistic environment and develop an approach to determining the level of enterprise readiness for participation in electronic public procurement based on the logistic management of information, financial, information and financial flows, document flows, flows of goods, flows of work and services. The classification of groups of temporary, quantitative, qualitative, cost, technical and technological indicators as well as indicators of the level of readiness of the electronic public procurement system at the macro- and microlevels is proposed. It is recommended to consider the readiness to participate in electronic public procurement and the effectiveness of fulfilling obligations to the customer after the completion of the tender process to be the key indicators for the enterprise. There developed an approach to determining the level of enterprise readiness for participation in electronic public procurement on the basis of a set of criteria related to management of information logistics systems, financial logistics, information and financial logistics, document management, commodity logistics, logistics services and works. Prospects for further research in this direction are development of an approach to financial and economic analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of the tender security mechanism in the system of electronic public procurement in Ukraine and countries of the European Union.

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