Effect of Repetitive Collar Replacement on the Residual Strength and Fatigue Life of Retained Hi-Lok Fastener Pins
DavidF. Hardy1  DavidL. DuQuesnay1 
[1] Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Royal military College of Canada, PO Box 17000 Station Forces, Kingston, ON K7K 7B4, Canada;
关键词: aircraft;    fatigue;    fastener;    reuse;   
DOI  :  10.3390/met9040445
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Hi-Lok fasteners were subjected to multiple collar replacements, and were tested under static loading and constant-amplitude fatigue loading, to determine the effect of repetitive collar replacement on the residual strength and fatigue life of a retained Hi-Lok-type fastener pin. Hi-Lok-type fasteners are typically used in aircraft structural joints, and are loaded mainly in shear. Tests were conducted for clamping force, static shear strength, static tensile strength, and shear fatigue life for collars subjected to five collar replacements. The static shear results showed no decrease in the ultimate shear strength of the fastener pin as a function of collar replacement. Static tensile results showed no decrease in the ultimate tensile strength of the fastener as a function of collar replacement, with failure of the aluminum collar remaining the critical failure mode. Similarly, shear fatigue results showed no decrease in the shear fatigue life of the fastened joint as a result of collar replacement, with fracture of the aluminum substrate remaining the critical failure mode. For static shear, static tension, and shear fatigue tests, estimated clamping force was highly consistent between specimens and no decrease in clamping force was observed as a function of collar replacement.

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