International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems
Specific Types of q-Rung Picture Fuzzy Yager Aggregation Operators for Decision-Making
关键词: q-rung picture fuzzy numbers;    Yager operators;    Arithmetic;    Geometric;    Multi-attribute decision-making problems;   
DOI  :  10.2991/ijcis.d.200717.001
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

q-rung picture fuzzy sets can handle complex fuzzy and impression information by changing a parameter q based on the different hesitation degree, and Yager operator is a useful aggregation technology that can control the uncertainty of valuating data from some experts and thus get intensive information in the process of decision-making. Thus, in this paper, we develop specific types of operators, namely, q-rung picture fuzzy Yager weighted average, q-rung picture fuzzy Yager ordered weighted average, q-rung picture fuzzy Yager hybrid weighted average, q-rung picture fuzzy Yager weighted geometric, q-rung picture fuzzy Yager ordered weighted geometric and q-rung picture fuzzy Yager hybrid weighted geometric operators. We propose q-rung picture fuzzy Yager aggregation operators to handle multiple attribute decision-making problems in a modernize way. Moreover, we discuss the effect of parameter on the decision-making results. To demonstrate the superiority and advantage of our proposed method, a comparison with existing methods is presented.

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