Revue de la Régulation
Émergence, l’économie du développement interpellée
关键词: China;    Development;    Emerging economies;    Globalization;    India;    Institutions;   
DOI  :  10.4000/regulation.7734
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

From the statements of the vacuity of the concept in the literature and of the likely novelty of a series of features concerning emerging economies, this paper draws a reflection about the usefulness of an analytical investigation of that notion of economic emergence. This point is made alongside a dual strand of questioning. Firstly, are there new facts in emergence or is it still the same old story revisited. A second and more provocative point questions the ability of the standard theories of economic development to assess the huge and rapid changes current undertaken by the so-called emerging economies.

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