Cogent Social Sciences
News and Syria: Creating key media moments in the conflict
Greg Simons1 
[1] Uppsala University;
关键词: arab spring;    syria;    regime change;    propaganda;    news;    industrial killing;    chemical weapons;   
DOI  :  10.1080/23311886.2016.1170583
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Mass media play a critical role through the production of news in influencing how citizens have their perceptions and opinions shaped. This article intends to delve into the role of news production in creating knowledge and shaping public perception and opinion within the Syrian case and demonstrates that news is not an accidental occurrence, neither in terms of subject or timing. Articles on specific issues, such as the reaction to the chemical weapons attack of August 2013 and the allegations of “industrial killings” by the Syrian government, appearing in the mass media, are subjected to analysis based on the theoretical notions outlined in the paper. These two cases hint that the timing and nature of these specific news events are not as “random” and coincidental as would seem at first glance.

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