Thermal Science
Computational study of natural convection and entropy generation in 3-D cavity with active lateral walls
Kolsi Lioua1  Al-Rashed Abdullah A.A.A.2  Alnaqi Abdulwahab A.2  Ali Hafiz Muhammad3  Li Dong4  Hussein Ahmed Kadhim5 
[1] College of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Department, Haïl University, Haïl City, Saudi Arabia + Unité de Métrologie et des Systèmes Énergétiques, École Nationale d’Ingénieurs, Monastir, University of Monastir, Tunisia,;College of Technological Studies, Dept. of Automotive and Marine Engineering Technology, the Public Authority for Applied Education and Training, Kuwait;Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila, Pakistan;School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Northeast Petroleum University, Daqing, China;University of Babylon, College of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Department, Babylon City, Hilla, Iraq;
关键词: natural convection;    3-d flow;    entropy generation;    active lateral walls;   
DOI  :  10.2298/TSCI180810346A
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Numerical simulation of the natural convection and entropy generation in an air-filled cubical cavity with active lateral walls is performed in this work. Both the lateral front and right sidewalls are maintained at an isothermal cold temperature. While an isothermal hot temperature is applied for both the lateral back and left sidewalls. The upper and lower walls are kept adiabatic. Entropy generation rates due to the fluid friction and the heat transfer are simulated by using the Second law of thermodynamics. Results are illustrated for Rayleigh numbers varied from (103 ≤ Ra ≤ 106). It was shown that the increase in the Rayleigh number leads to increase the average Nusselt number and to decrease the Bejan number. Also, it was found that both, Sth, and Stot, increase slightly with the increase in Rayleigh number until they reach (Ra = 105) and then begin to jump after this value. After (Ra = 105), the increase in both, Stot, and Sfr, is greater than Sth. Moreover, it was observed that iso-surfaces of Stot are similar to Sth at (103 ≤ Ra ≤ 105), while they are similar to Sfr at high Rayleigh number.

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