Baltijskij Region
Transgranichnye regiony v ierarhicheskoj sisteme regionov: sistemnyj podhod [Trans-Border Regions in the System of the Regional Hierarchy: the Systemic Approach]
关键词: region;    hierarchy of regions;    international regions;    transnational regions;    cross-border regions;    political regions;    economic regions;    socio-cultural regions;   
DOI  :  10.5922/2074-9848-2009-2-3
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The article positions trans-border regions that are formed in the course of cooperation between the administrative, territorial and municipal institutions of neighbouring countries or have similar important characteristics, in the hierarchical system of regions. The authors prove trans-border regions to be a type of international regions and consider specific characteristics of these regions using the Baltic region as an example.
【 授权许可】


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