The most European place in St. Petersburg: the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography between the Past and the Future
Efim Rezvan1 
[1] Museo di Antropologia e di Etnografia "Pietro il Grande" , San Pietroburgo, Russia;
关键词: peter the great museum of anthropology and ethnography (kunstkamera) of the russian academy of sciences (mae ras), friedrich wilhelm radloff, lev sternberg, movie atlas of the ussr collection through systematic scientific expeditions;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The article presents a short survey of the history of Peter the
Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of the
Russian Academy of Sciences (MAE RAS). Today MAE RAS is one of the
largest and oldest ethnographic museums in the world. The richest scientific
collections of MAE RAS (today more than 1.2 million units of storage)
consistently evolved throughout its 300-year history primarily as a result of
intensive expeditionary and research activities of the Academy of Sciences.
The history of Russia in the last three hundred years is also the history of the
Museum. It shared with the country the breakthrough of the Peter the Great
and Catherine epochs, the great achievements for Russian science and culture
of the 19th century, the achievements of the “great era” of Soviet academic
science. The museum remembers the years of Great terror, the horrors of the
Siege of Leningrad, and the difficult times after the collapse of the USSR. The
priority of science in the system of state values, the study and preservation of
national cultures and interethnic dialogue are the key aspects of the Museum's
activities. They always coincided and coincide today with the most important
tasks of Russian statehood.

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