Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences
关键词: Electric Machines, Eddy Currents, Braking Force, Electromagnetic Fields, Poisson’s equation.;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper presents a computer analysis of the eddy current brake in electric machines. It presents a formula for the braking force when the actual width of the pole is considered. This formula is suitable for both thin and thick discs and may be employed for a wide range of working speed. For this purpose, a mathematical analysis of the problem is presented together with the formula achieved for the braking force. The brake is first represented by a mathematical model based on certain assumptions and then the braking force is obtained as a result of solving a field problem. The problem is simplified to a one-dimensional problem, where a solution for the magnetic vector potential is obtained, and by employing Lorentz force equation, a formula for the braking force of the nth harmonic order is obtained.

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