Biotecnología Aplicada
Cardiotropic effect of GHRP-6: in vivo characterization by echocardiography
Jorge Berlanga1  Diana García del Barco1  Gerardo Guillén1  Héctor Santana1  Juan Valiente2  Fiorella Altruda3  Lorenzo Silengo3  Guido Tarone3 
[1] Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología, CIGB;Instituto de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular;Universidad de Torino;
关键词: ghrp-6;    inotropic effect;    experimental bidimensional echocardiography;    heart failure;    myocardial ischemia-reperfusion;    cardioprotection;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

A pharmacological therapy aimed at the multiple targets exposed by the complex pathophysiology of heart failure remains an unmet clinical need. One possible solution is the use of growth hormone secretagogue peptides, which have important cardiotropic properties. The aim of this work was to conduct an experimental evaluation of the effect of growth hormone releasing peptide six (GHRP-6) on heart function. Bi-dimensional experimental echocardiography was used to evaluate the cardiotropic effect of GHRP-6 when 400 µg/kg were administered to Balb/c mice, measuring the ventricular ejection fraction. Dose-dependency was studied with dosages of 100, 200 and 400 µg/kg, and the effect of concomitant beta-blocker usage on the effect of this peptide was assessed in animals chronically treated with metoprolol at 30 mg/kg. GHRP-6 increased the left ventricular ejection fraction without changes on heart rate. This inotropic effect was dose-dependent, and was sustained even in animals chronically treated with metoprolol.

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