Physics Letters B
Induced acceleration of the decay of the 31-yr isomer of 178m2Hf using bremsstrahlung radiation
V.A. Ageev1  V.I. Kirischuk1  S.S. Kandybei2  A.M. Dovbnya2  Yu.M. Ranyuk2 
[1] Institute for Nuclear Research, Nauky Av. 47, Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine;National Science Center “Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology”, Akademichna Str. 1, Kharkiv, 61108, Ukraine;
关键词: Nuclear isomers;    178m2Hf;    Induced triggering;    Electromagnetic transitions;    Bremsstrahlung radiation;   
DOI  :  10.1016/j.physletb.2015.08.051
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

178m2Hf isomer triggering was studied using the new experimental setup developed at the Kharkiv National University and installed at the Kyiv Institute for Nuclear Research. The target presenting a single Ta foil of 300 μm thickness with the 178m2Hf isomer activity of 100 Bq was irradiated by 30 keV electron beam. The enhanced counting rates of all strongest ground-state band (with the energies of 213, 325 and 426 keV) and 8−-state band (with the energies of 216, 495 and 574 keV) transitions from the 178m2Hf isomer decay were observed. Our data are consistent with the total triggering effect of 1.55±0.12%. An estimate for the photon induced triggering cross-section gives a value which is close to the upper limit obtained in the earlier published works on the 178m2Hf isomer triggering.

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