Tradition and modern evolution. Three patio-architectures of Francisco Asís Cabrero
José de Coca Leicher1 
[1] Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - Universidad de Alcalá de Henares;
关键词: francisco asís cabrero;    patio;    zoco expositivo;    tapiz;   
DOI  :  10.4995/ega.2015.3676
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

We describe design mechanisms used by Francisco de Asís Cabrero in his patio architectures by analyzing three selected examples: the “zoco” exhibition of the first national country fair (1950), the Escuela Nacional de Hosteleria, and the pavilion of the trade union Obra Sindical del Hogar (1956). The research starts with the references based on the muslim tradition described by Fernando Chueca, which are transformed and adapted to incorporate modern references: the Italian rationalism, Mies courtyard houses and the light constructions of Charles and Ray Eames. We conclude that systems of tapestries or parallel walls and organizations in ‘U’ are an ignored reference of the classic systems used by Cabrero underlying his radically modern work. The research is based on the original documentation compiled during the realization of the PhD thesis and is illustrated with drawings by the author.

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