Economia & Região
Competitive advantages and composition of the trade balance between Brazil and Argentina: an analysis of indicators of foreign trade
Edson Roberto Vieira1  Andréa Freire de Lucena1  Carolina Araújo Sousa1 
[1]Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG)
关键词: foreign trade index;    competitiveness;    exports;    brazil;    argentina;   
DOI  :  DOI:10.5433/2317-627X.2021v9n2p29
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
This work aims to analyze the commercial relations between Brazil and Argentina in the years 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015 and 2019, through the use of foreign trade indicators such as Degree of Openness, Comparative Advantage Revealed, Revealed Symmetric Comparative Advantage, Trade Coverage, Market Position and Grubel-Lloyd Index. Among the Brazilian products exported, those that seem to have a stronger and more consolidated competitiveness in the Argentine market are paper and cellulose; copper; rubber; chemicals, inorganic compounds, precious metals and rare earth metals; and automotive vehicles, parts and accessories. Automobile sector exports are those that have the largest share in the total of Brazilian shipments to Argentina. Finally, with the analysis of the pattern of trade between Brazil and Argentina, it was observed that such trade involves sectors with characteristics of intra-industrial (between different sectors) and inter-industrial (between similar sectors).
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