Energy and Built Environment
Combining push-pull airflow and top draft hood for local exhaust of tyre vulcanization process
Yumei Hou1  Chun Hou2  Xiangjin Mo2  Qingyu Zhang2  Lingjie Zeng3  Changsheng Cao3  Jun Gao3  Kai Liu3  Bo Shi3  Shengwei Yang3 
[1]Corresponding author.
[2]China chemical Guilin Engineering Co., Ltd., Guilin 541000, China
[3]School of Mechanical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
关键词: Rubber vulcanization;    Push-pull ventilation;    Local exhaust hood;    Capture efficiency;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
This paper proposes a push-pull airflow combined with a top draft hood to conduct local exhaust in a rubber workshop. Field measurements are carried out to investigate the characteristics of the emission source, while numerical simulation is performed based on the measurement to test the capture efficiency and to further optimize various parameters including push velocity, hood height and exhaust air rate. Compared with the high-hanging hood, the low-hanging hood can effectively capture the pollutant generated by tyre with lower exhaust air rate. The capture efficiency of the low-hanging hood reaches 98.18% with exhaust air rate of 6000 m3/h and push air velocity of 5m/s. The results indicates that the new ventilation appliance can effectively collect the pollutant at a relatively low exhaust rate.
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