China Foundry
Microstructures, micro-segregation and solidification path of directionally solidified Ti-45Al-5Nb alloy
Liang-shun Luo1  Tong Liu1  Kun Li2 
[1] National Key Laboratory for Precision Hot Processing of Metals, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China;China FAW Casting Company Limited, Changchun 130011, China;
关键词: TiAl-Nb alloy;    directional solidification;    microstructure;    micro-segregation;    solidification path;   
DOI  :  doi:10.1007/s41230-016-6004-z
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

To investigate the effect of solidification parameters on the solidification path and microstructure evolution of Ti-45Al-5Nb (at.%) alloy, Bridgman-type directional solidification and thermodynamics calculations were performed on the alloy. The microstructures, micro-segregation and solidification path were investigated. The results show that the β phase is the primary phase of the alloy at growth rates of 5-20 μm•s-1 under the temperature gradients of 15-20 K•mm-1, and the primary phase is transformed into an α phase at relatively higher growth rates (V >20 μm•s-1). The mainly S-segregation and β-segregation can be observed in Ti-45Al-5Nb alloy at a growth rate of 10 μm•s-1 under a temperature gradient of 15 K•mm-1. The increase of temperature gradient to 20 K•mm-1 can eliminate β-segregation, but has no obvious effect on S-segregation. The results also show that 5 at.% Nb addition can expand the β phase region, increase the melting point of the alloy and induce the solidification path to become complicated. The equilibrium solidification path of Ti-45Al-5Nb alloy can be described as , in which βR and γR mean the residual β and γ.

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