Smart System with Artificial Intelligence for Sensory Gloves
Blanca Bujanda1  Pedro Pagola1  JoséJavier Astrain1  Iban Latasa2  Idoia Cerro2  Claudio Guerra3 
[1] Department of Statistics, Computer Science and Mathematics, Public University of Navarre, 31006 Pamplona, Spain;IED Electronics, Pol. Ind. Plazaola, E6, 31195 Berrioplano, Spain;Plant Pamplona SAS Autosystemtechnik, S.A., Faurecia, Polígono Industrial de Arazuri-Orcoyen, 31170 Arazuri, Spain;
关键词: sensory gloves;    machine learning;    convolutional neural networks;    smart sensing;    automotive industry;    industry 4.0;   
DOI  :  10.3390/s21051849
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper presents a new sensory system based on advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques that provides sensory gloves with the ability to ensure real-time connection of all connectors in the cabling of a cockpit module. Besides a microphone, the sensory glove also includes a gyroscope and three accelerometers that provide valuable information to allow the selection of the appropriate signal time windows recorded by the microphone of the glove. These signal time windows are subsequently analyzed by a convolutional neural network, which indicates whether the connection of the components has been made correctly or not. The development of the system, its implementation in a production industry environment and the results obtained are analyzed.

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