A Study of Relation Between Physics and Metaphysics in the Field of Space and Time's Reality
Alireza Mansouri1 
[1] Assistant Professor of Philosophy ,Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies;
关键词: Physics and Metaphysics;    Essentialism;    Relationship-orientated;    Space and Time;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In this article it is aimed to explain the manner of science and metaphysics' interaction in space and time discussion. We will emphasize on this point that unlike the current perception, the changes in scientific and physics theories can be effective for us in taking philosophical and metaphysical position for space and time. For this purpose, in addition to surveying traditional arguments of essentialists and relationship-oriented about space and time, which are especially mentioned in Leibniz's  and Clarke's letters, interaction between science and metaphysics will be shown, according to new theoretical backgrounds, such as adoption of new Newtonian structure or field theory and general and special relativity theory. In the end, we will be close to this viewpoint that considering new scientific theories, such as general relativity theory of Einstein, essentialists' viewpoint about space and time, in current situation, seems more defendable.

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