Journal of Contemporary European Research
Minority Language Protection in Italy: Linguistic Minorities and the Media
Aline Sierp1 
[1] University of Siena;
关键词: Linguistic minorities;    Mass media;    Legal protection;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This article deals with the Italian case of minority language protection in the media. After providing a general introduction to the development of the protection of minority languages in Europe in general and of minority language broadcast media in Italy in particular, the article focuses on the role that mass media can play in the preservation or weakening of minority languages. By comparing different measures of protection adopted by national and regional authorities in Italy, the article aims to illustrate how these measures can be translated into different levels of development of broadcast media provisions for linguistic minorities. The article explores some of the effects different protective measures can have on the survival, status and economic conditions of the linguistic minority on the one hand, and the relationship with the state and the majority group on the other.

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