Sensors & Transducers
Vibration Analysis and Test of Backup Roll in Temper Mill
Yuanmin Xie1 
[1] College of Machinery and Automation,Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430081, Hubei, China;
关键词: Temper mill;    Vibration analysis;    Test;    Chatter mark;    Strip steel;    Suppression method;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Based on experimental researches on chatter marks on the strip steel and backup roll of a 1700 temper mill, test and analysis the vibration on the vibration mode and work mode vibration of the temper mill, then the formation of the chatter mark on the roll surface is relation to the natural frequency of the temper mill, tension, assembly space between the rolling system and the rack post, the roller bearing support and the rack arch. The forming reasons and the characters of the chatter marks are grasped, so the suppression method is proposed and considerable effects are achieved.

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