Modelling and Simulation in Engineering
Energy Analysis of Commercial Buildings Using Artificial Neural Network
Holali Kwami Apevienyeku1  Freda Dapaa Nsiah2  Stephen Adjignon2  Felix Uba2  Alex Akorli2 
[1]Faculty of Engineering, Ho Technical University (HTU), P.O. Box 217, Ho, Ghana
[2]School of Engineering, University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR), P.O. Box 214, Sunyani, Ghana
DOI  :  10.1155/2021/8897443
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Energy consumption in buildings especially in offices is alarming and prompts the desire for more energy analysis work to be done in testing models that can estimate the energy situation of commercial buildings, and the key contributing factors are based on human factors, work load, and weather variables like solar radiation and temperature. In the research, the administration block of the University of Energy and Natural Resources, Ghana, was selected and modeled for energy analysis using SketchUp. Daily energy consumption of the building was generated with EnergyPlus indicating the electricity consumption of the block for the year 2018 for which 68.7% was used by equipment in the block, 26.98% on cooling, and the rest on lighting. The Artificial Neural Network model which had weather variable and days as input neurons and cooling, lighting, equipment, and total building electricity consumption as output neurons was modeled in MATLAB. The model after training had R values for training, validation, and testing to be 0.999 and validation performance of 1.7∗10−04. It was able to predict the energy consumption for lighting, cooling, and equipment very close to the results with minimal. The results from the ANN model prediction were compared with the EnergyPlus simulations. The maximum deviation profile for the following parameters (lighting, cooling, and equipment) is 13%, 8%, and 4%, respectively. The large difference in the lighting and cooling is the difficulty involved in predicting human behaviour and weather conditions. The least value recorded for the equipment is due to its independence on external factors.
【 授权许可】


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