RUDN Journal of Economics
Formation of the theory of strategic management
I V Grigolaya1 
[1] Российский университет дружбы народов;
关键词: формирование теории стратегического управления;    стратегическое управление;    менеджмент;    экономическая теория;    институциональная теория;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

All historical surveys on the history of management mention the classic work on military strategy from V to XIX century. However, the concepts of strategic management are reflected in other interpretations. Formation of the strategy as a scientific discipline occurred in 1960 against the increased interest of companies behavior. Strategic management as a young discipline needed support of the related sciences. Researchers of strategic management have turned to ideas from microeconomics, sociology, organization science, political science and cognitive psychology. During this period, the economy began to gain neointstitutsional direction of research. Economic theory was enriched by a number of innovative concepts of firm and market competition, but the active development of these theories begun only in 1970's.

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