Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open
ED‐DEL: Development of a change package and toolkit for delirium in the emergency department
Margaret Webb1  Sarah Gartaganis1  Sharon K. Inouye1  Adriane Lesser2  Kevin Biese3  Maura Kennedy4  Ula Hwang5  Tammy Hshieh6  Amy Stuck7 
[1]Aging Brain Center Marcus Institute for Aging Research Hebrew SeniorLife Boston Massachusetts USA
[2]Clinical Research Department West Health Institute San Diego California USA
[3]Department of Emergency Medicine Division of Geriatric Emergency Medicine University of North Carolina Chapel Hill North Carolina USA
[4]Department of Emergency Medicine Massachusetts General Hospital Boston Massachusetts USA
[5]Department of Emergency Medicine Yale School of Medicine New Haven Connecticut USA
[6]Department of Medicine Harvard Medical School Boston Massachusetts USA
[7]Strategy Department West Health Institute San Diego California USA
关键词: aging;    delirium;    emergency department;    geriatrics;    organizational innovation;    quality improvement;   
DOI  :  10.1002/emp2.12421
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Abstract Delirium is a common and deadly problem in the emergency department affecting up to 30% of older adult patients. The 2013 Geriatric Emergency Department guidelines were developed to address the unique needs of the growing older population and identified delirium as a high priority area. The emergency department (ED) environment presents unique challenges for the identification and management of delirium, including patient crowding, time pressures, competing priorities, variable patient acuity, and limitations in available patient information. Accordingly, protocols developed for inpatient units may not be appropriate for use in the ED setting. We created a Delirium Change Package and Toolkit in the Emergency Department (ED‐DEL) to provide protocols and guidance for implementing a delirium program in the ED setting. This article describes the multistep process by which the ED‐DEL program was created and the key components of the program. Our ultimate goal is to create a resource that can be disseminated widely and used to improve delirium identification, prevention, and management in older adults in the ED.
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