Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad
Developing a web and mobile system for crop management
Néstor Bravo Osorio1  David Flórez Méndez1  Gustavo Martínez Villalobos1 
[1]Universidad de Ibagué
关键词: Mobile computing;    agricultural crops;    management system;    Web application;   
DOI  :  https://doi.org/10.22430/21457778.669
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
This article presents the results of an applied research project in the field of ICT for managing crops with an irrigation system. The process was carried out with several producers in settlements and villages in the Municipality of Ibagué through the application of a survey. The latter revealed the need for designing an information system that facilitated users’ remote management and interaction with their crops, as well as scheduling and satisfactorily completing activities, thus optimizing the corresponding resources. This system has two platforms: web and mobile. They enable the access to information and remote scheduling of activities on the crop. The results show that social appropriation and participation in applications deployed on the Internet and mobile devices can generate a positive impact and improve the quality of life of farmers.
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