A review of stakeholders and interventions in Nigeria's electricity sector
Gogo Ndulue1  Norbert Edomah2  Xavier Lemaire2 
[1] Corresponding author.;School of Science and Technology, Pan-Atlantic University, Lagos, Nigeria;
关键词: Electricity planning;    Electricity market;    Energy transitions;    Energy in Africa;    Energy in Nigeria;    Energy interventions;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In this paper, we explored the interplay between the electricity market structure, methods of electricity trading and different stakeholder dynamics within the Nigerian Electricity Supply Industry (NESI) with a view to understanding how these interplays impact on various forms of interventions in the Nigerian electricity sector. We started off by exploring the market structure and electricity trading system within the Nigerian electricity sector and reviewed the various stakeholder groups within centralized and decentralized electricity systems in Nigeria's electricity sector by highlighting their core responsibilities and the dynamics at play in satisfying their interests. This study revealed that: (1) external stakeholder groups (such as donor agencies and multi-lateral organizations) exert more influence in Nigeria's electricity sector through financial interventions; (2) lack of coordination and engagement among various stakeholder groups pose a challenge to effective electricity infrastructure interventions that address the needs of people in society. The study concludes by highlighting the implications of these challenges and the need to address the rising complexities and uncertainties for better stakeholder involvement in addressing the salient challenges in the sector.

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