A qualitative case study of employee turnover in retail business
Garrett Smiley1  Omotayo Olubiyi2  Henry Luckel3  Ralph Melaragno3 
[1]Northcentral University, Arizona, USA
[2]Corresponding author.
[3]Northcentral University, Arizona, USA
关键词: Business;    Employee turnover;    Person-organization fit;    Value congruence;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
This study on the person-organization fit theory, measured in terms of value congruence, explored qualitative data from a survey of non-managerial retail employees in a Northwestern state in the United States in relation to job satisfaction and employee-organization value congruence in a retail establishment that has shown a remarkable deviation from the norm with employee turnover far below what is obtainable in the retail industry. The results of a field study of 18 employees, through open ended interviews and survey transcripts, analyzed thematically using Nvivo qualitative data analysis tool, identified five themes that influence job satisfaction and employee retention: Friendly workplace environment, Flexibility, Stability, Management Support, and Independence.
【 授权许可】


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