Results in Physics
Relativistic theoretical calculations of singly and doubly energy levels, lifetimes, wavelengths, weighted oscillator strengths and radiative rates for Helium-Like Ions with Z=5−9
Dhia Elhak Salhi1  Haikel Jelassi2  Soumaya Manai2  Sirine Ben Nasr2 
[1] Faculty of Sciences of Bizerte, University of Carthage, Tunisia;Research Laboratory on Energy and Matter for Nuclear Science Development (LR16CNSTN02), National Center for Nuclear Science and Technologies, Sidi Thabet Technopark 2020, Tunis, Tunisia;
关键词: Energy levels;    Wavelengths;    Weighted oscillator strengths;    Radiative rates and lifetimes;    Relativistic Configuration Interaction (RCI);   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

We provide accurate energy levels for the lowest singly excited 70 levels among 1snl(n≤6,l≤(n−1))configurations and the lowest doubly excited 250 levels arising from the K-vacancy 2ln′l′(n′≤6,l′≤(n′−1))configurations of helium-like ions with Z=5−9. Wavelengths, weighted oscillator strengths and transition rates for electric-multipole (dipole (E1), quadrupole (E2)) and magnetic-multipole (dipole (M1), quadrupole (M2)) are also calculated. The lifetimes determinations are reported for all the calculated levels. The calculations were performed using the Relativistic Configuration Interaction (RCI) method implemented in the Flexible Atomic Code (FAC). For comparative purposes, the second set of calculations was obtained with other packages of programs for relativistic atomic structure calculations (AMBiT) based on a method combining many-body perturbation theory and configuration interaction (CI). Additionally, the Breit interaction and leading quantum electrodynamics effects (QED) are included. Our results are compared with other available theories reported in the literature as well as the data taken from NIST online database. A good agreement between them has been found. We signal that our calculations for the doubly excited levels are made for the first time and they provide accurate and complete atomic data on these ions. Our results can contribute to the NIST database by essentially extending the data for doubly excited states.

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