Revista de Producción Animal | |
Classification of Dairy Units at the Valle del Perú Cattle Raising Enterprise. | |
Javier Herrera1  | |
[1] Institute of Animal Science, San José de Las Lajas, Mayabeque, Cuba. ; | |
关键词: multivariate analysis; classification; discriminant power; dairies; | |
DOI : | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
Thirty dairies from a dairy company were characterized. Discriminant Function Analysis was applied. Eleven variables were used: annual milk production; milk production/cow/day; births; percent of milking cows; total cows; empty cows; Percent of areas withPennisetumpurpureumvc.Cuba CT-115;percent of areas with improved pas-tures, milk L cost; total costs in CUP; andnumber of workers.The dairies were divided into three groups, based on annual milk production for three years (high, medium, low).Dairies in group 1 showed a more favorable behavior than in group 2; and the latter had higher values than group 3, except for the total costs.The most significant variables causing group differences were total births, percent of milking cows ,and total cows. The results proved that, relatively, there were three types of dairies in the company: high, medium, and low annual milk production.That in-formation was useful to set up technological strategies to improve the performanceof the least producing dairies.
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